Lot has happened in one year and .... oh! forget it I am not going to say the exact months and days. The most important, to continue from the topic of my previous blog, is that I have climbed the tallest peak of my lifetime. Mt. Langley, 14042 feet above sea level in the scenic Sierra Nevada range. I have hiked into the Big Bend National park on the borders of Texas and waved at the cows of Mexico, I have hiked into the breath-taking realms of the Grand Canyon, I have seen the sunset at Clingman's Dome in the Smokeys, I have been to NYC, I have gone across the Golden Gate bridge in SF and I have seen most of San Diego sitting in the saddle of my beloved shadowfax with my feets clicked fast into the pedal.
Professionally, I have grown and matured a lot too. I have started reading PhD-comics. I can start a long conversation with many a smart information theorists (I shall tell you the secret. Its easy, most often always goes as ... "So, what is the upper-bound on the channel-capacity for the model you consider?"). I have my Ph.D. qualification exam in almost a weeks time from now and hopefully I would be promoted as a good-for-nothing-PhD-student from my current position of good-for-nothing-M.S.-student.
All in all, Life is going good. And so, its time to go to sleep. I won't promise to blog soon.