Monday, June 12, 2006

The return of the Rhymer

I got a mail from a friend of mine (Kaustubh Nadkarni - or Nadya, has he is popularly known) a few days back. It was a reply to a long-lost-mail of mine with the same subject, and which Nadya had apparently archived ( Thanks Nadya !) . The mail went something like this :

had this in my archives...
ugot abtdoing anythingafterthis one?? :D


On 11/25/03, Adnan Raja _02007013_ <> wrote:
> Listen to the Electron
> ----------------------
> I wonder what an electron would say,
> Here I go dwon the band
> Free falling my way.
> If you cool me down,
> I would be in Fermi's trap
> If I get excited, I know
> I can jump any gap
> And when I leave
> I don't leave you empty hand
> I leave equal no. of holes behind
> When you shine light on me
> I rise;But also give it back.
> Learn something from me
> All you RG chaps.
> And in your circuits I go round n round
> To turn your lights and
> to make your fans go-round
> And all this running about
> makes my back ache, my joins jolt
> Will someone humanist file a case
> For electron exploit !
> No matter how high a barrier
> I would tunnel through
> Though knowing that it would leave me tired ! Phew !
> When you try to see me
> I am just gone;Where am I ?
> It would never in you minds dawn
> "Ah ! You are uncertain, unsure "
> -you may say
> But that's just to keep your
> inquisitive mind at bay
> For I know the 'ultimate' answers
> As I merrily run around
> While making you scratch your heads
> And scribble equations down.
> -adin
> p.s -
> More to come:-
> :-"Multiply me with you"-sang one matrix to another
> :-The system's call
> .......And many more

Don't Laugh ! It was two-and-a-half years back and it does sound rather childish to me too now.
No ! Nadya, I never wrote the matrix or the system 's call ones, but I keep writing now and then when I get inspired (or bored!).

I used to rhyme on the batch-mailing lists back then. It was fun. My style was simple and crude. Look for words, that rhyme and fit. But it also depended on my mood. Emotions guiding words and words guiding emtotions. Limited by words and limited by emotions. Sandhya, who always used to rhyme better said I lacked rhythm and meter. I never undersood it then. I still don't.

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